Our fair topics

HUSUM WIND brings product innovations and cutting-edge technology in the RE growth market to life. Leading companies and exhibitors from Germany and abroad show what the industry can do for the new energy system of tomorrow. Here you will find our trade fair topics.

Onshore and Offshore​ Wind

Wind energy is the most important source of renewable energy in Germany and already covers around 28 percent of the total electricity demand. This makes Germany the leader in Europe in this segment and it plans to continue investing massively. At HUSUM WIND, national and international experts from all areas of the value chain will meet, ranging from project planning and design, financing and insurance, production, turbine transport and erection with special ships, as well as grid connection, to the operation and maintenance of onshore and offshore wind farms. The focus is on the exchange between the individual players and the presentation of new technologies, solutions and technical innovations.

Onshore und Offshore Windenergie ist Rückgrat und Treiber der Energiewende: Sie ist zuverlässig, günstig und nachhaltig.

Green Hydrogen

Northern Germany is exemplary for the green hydrogen economy, where wind energy is the most important renewable source of electricity and numerous pilot projects are being realised with surplus wind power. Due to its central importance for Germany as an industrial location, the topic of green hydrogen is once again a special focus of HUSUM WIND 2025. With its own hydrogen area in Hall 2 and an associated forum programme, the trade fair is creating its own platform and offering first-class networking opportunities between the leading technology companies in this sector and end users.

Digitalisation, AI and cyber security

Digitalisation and IT transformation technology for the energy transition, such as Artificial intelligence, cyber security and digitalisation are the special theme of this year’s HUSUM WIND. Digital technologies have developed rapidly in recent years. They are the key to an intelligent, renewable energy system and enable the development of promising products, services and business models.

Sector Coupling

In addition to the pure expansion of renewable energy sources, sector coupling, i.e. the use of green electricity to decarbonise the previously predominantly conventional sectors of heating and transport, is key to the success of the energy transition. By intelligently linking the energy sectors as well as generation and consumption, peak loads in the production of wind energy can be used for mobility and heating or cooling. This opens up new business fields and expanded sales opportunities for the wind industry. The transformation of industry towards climate-friendly production and supply chains, which is just beginning and is being driven forward by the government, is inconceivable without wind energy. Thus, the wind industry is transforming itself from a pioneer in renewable power generation to a central player in an integrated energy structure that encompasses all sectors.

Storage Technologies

“Dark slack” and “baseload capability” are among the challenges of the energy transition, and storage is the answer. Stored electricity decouples generation and consumption over time, allowing strong winds to provide for periods of slack. As different as modern storage technologies are, they all make the energy supply flexible and secure – they are essential for the successful transformation of energy systems. Modern storage technology also provides balancing power to stabilise the grid, for example in the event of frequency fluctuations. Can power to gas as a key system make the energy system more flexible? Do you have questions about battery storage, pumped storage, compressed air storage or power-to-gas? Let’s talk about it – at HUSUM WIND.

Recycling & Repowering

Does everything have an end? Recycled turbines actually don’t! The average lifespan of wind turbines is between 20 and 30 years – and then what? Sustainability also means fine-tuning after-use concepts. Since 2021, turbines have been excluded from EEG subsidies because they are older than 20 and can then be operated economically without fail. What then? By 2025, the question of “and then?” will arise for around 8,000 plants. In addition to a “second life”, made possible by the international market for second-hand turbines, the central answers include recycling and repowering in various forms. They make wind energy even more sustainable. In Recycling, as many of the materials used as possible are returned to the economic cycle – for a minimal impact on the environment. Overall, a recycling rate of 80 to 90 percent can be achieved! Rotor blades, for example, can become building and insulating materials. Reusable materials such as copper, aluminum, electrical scrap, neodymium and plastics can be found in cables and drive trains, control elements or generators. Repowering, a central aspect of the modern wind energy industry, involves replacing old, less powerful wind turbines with new, more powerful ones before their expiry date. In this way, fewer turbines in a smaller area produce incomparably more power. Advantage: Extensive planning and approval procedures, as with the development of new areas, are not necessary.

Financing Infrastructure

“Money makes the world go round. Without the associated financial sector, a diverse market for renewable energies and competition for new ideas would be inconceivable. Onshore and especially offshore wind farms require a lot of capital. For such and other ventures, you will learn about different financing models and instruments at HUSUM WIND, but also find expertise in risk assessment and mitigation. The fair is also the ideal place to learn about innovative approaches to financing.